
Monday, September 27, 2010

Marathon Training, can you believe it?

I started a 5K marathon training this last week and I don't think I have done to well. I have tried to follow the daily running and resting schedule but can't seem to see any results just yet. That is OK though because results don't come overnight.

I will have to say that over the week, I think that I did run at least 5 days and included my walking with it too. Poor Kale is worn out too because he'll go with me and start out sprinting as all dogs do and then all of a sudden, he is dead at the end and won't leave my side and almost wants me to carry him during the last leg home.

It has been kind of hard running too because of the weather. It is 106 degrees here at 7 PM at night still and I don't want to go to late because then I'm getting ready for bed but then if I don't go later when the sun is down, it is to hot. What to do?

I need to buy a new pair of running shoes for sure. I think I'll get those when I go to Utah this week while we are shopping and having a good time. I think I'll buy some socks and a running outfit too because it'll make me run faster...hehehehehehe.

I made carrot cake Sunday morning before church to give it time to cool off while at church and then after church was over, I made little cards and went around and gave them to my kids in class and a big piece of cake for doing such a great job in the Primary Program and for attending church.

Even those who haven't been to church I gave a card to and expressed to them that they were missed and that I'd like to see them in class this next month.

I even ran around to the two sisters that I visit teach and gave them a piece too since they never called me back either and I was able to catch them at home and give them a treat. Of course, Kale had to come with me so he got to ride in the car while I ran treats around to everyone.

The primary program was sooooo good. The children and their sweet testimonies of the gospel and their love of Jesus is awesome. They brought the spirit in to sacrament meeting and it was awesome to help them identify it when we finally got to class. I have a great primary class. They all come from all walks of life and it is awesome to see that they all are friends and love the Lord.

I'll be working only 3 days this week and they are going to draaaaaaaaaaaaag. I'm leaving for Utah on Thursday and can't wait. I'm so excited to see Sarah and John and Aunt Kelly and Uncle Paul and kids and then the Sam-Yiou and Nihipali clan up in SLC along with Tiffany for GC.

I'm going to be packing tonight and getting things ready because I'm busy for the rest of the week doing laundry and cleaning everything and getting Kale ready as well including a hair cut.

I'll write more later.



Janell Nihipali said...

Good job on the training!!! Fantastic goal to work towards although you may need to get a jogging stroller for your poor puppy! Lol! Keep it up!

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

Lol, that is a smart idea Janell about the jogging stroller for the dog. He gets tired out pretty quickly right along side his mom =D