
Thursday, November 04, 2010

Radio and Books

There are soooo many different things that one can learn by listening and reading.

For the past few weeks, I have been reading Pres. Monson bio which by the way, I only do on the way to work and on my way home while on the train so it is taking longer than the norm. I have been reading the scriptures and the manual for my primary class. Isn't it amazing how much everything is together and it all rolls together and how much I am sucked up in to the spirit while I try to align my life with the the Savior. Just a thought.

I listened to the Mormon channel all day today and caught sooooo many talks and stories about the spirit and how it touches people and how it moves people to do things that they never would have done had it not been for the spirit (which they now know) to have touched them to do something, go somewhere or pick up a book, pamphlet or read online. Elder Claudio RM Costa is awesome. If I could find a spouse like that, please give him my contact info (kids or no kids can be included with that package).

I football player Curtis Brown who knew what he wanted in life, only visiting BYU on a recruitment trip, joins the church. Why? The spirit touched him and his family was blessed from the beginning.

Brett Herbst a graduate from the "Y" starts his own company, see link below Why? Because of the love of Gods green earth. People are loving what he does and now his love of Heavenly Father and agriculture, the super bowl committee is asking him to make the mazes. What? Yes, totally. I just heard him say that on the Mormon channel.

What we do in this life and the lives that we come in contact with are the things that Heavenly Father is talking about when he said, love thy neighbor as thyself.

Just a quick thought, gotta go to work.


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