
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Chandler West Stake Conference

Stake Conference has been wonderful so far. Saturday morning was the Gilbert Temple Ground Breaking, then we had the training with the new manual, then the adult session and then this morning we'll have conference via SLC, UT with the First Presidency. Yahoo.

The adult session was all about missionary work as kids and as adults single and couples. One speaker who spoke is the wife of my Bishop and her talk was fabulous and about her parents and in laws who have served a combined 6 senior missions. Yes, 6. That is fabulous.

Another speaker was a mission president of the California, Arcadia mission! I about fell off my chair, I served there too. Actually, I was able to speak to him and he took the place of President Steward my mission president. Yahoo, I got that much information from him as I talked to him. He seemed like he was 85 years old but who cares, he was wonderful and so in to missionary work. He was fabulous.

The stake presidency is awesome. They are so humble and they are so sweet that as each of them spoke you almost feel guilty for not being a part of the work because of their strong testimonies of each member a missionary whether being officially called, having friends/neighbors/family to be examples too and to even open our mouths just a little bit.


I need to get ready to see the prophet again. The conference is being broadcast to all 3 buildings in the stake and it starts at 10 so I'm leaving here about 9:15 so I get a soft seat.


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