
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sleepless Days

I can't seem to get up in the mornings and its crazy. I am feeling kind of tired and I'm weak some days so I just stay in bed until Kale is seriously jumping all over me to let him out. I do get up in the mornings and open the door and let him out but he won't go. He just stands there or eventually lays down and just hangs out and it isn't until he seriously has to go to the bathroom when he starts jumping all over the bed and throwing his ball around. I know he is throwing it around because I can hear it bouncing on the floor and the patter of his paws running after it.

I have gotten to work this week as late at 8:30 and for me, that sucks. I'm used to being here at 6. I'm going to go do the blood work that needs to be done and I have an appt with the Arizona Cancer Center again this next week, soooo, we'll see what they say.

I have an appt with the Spinal Dr again and also with the Podiatrist again to figure out what the heck is going on. I know that I have arthritis and I'm OK w/ that but dang it, to have both killing me where I can hardly walk or run, come on now.

Which brings me to my next area. I can't do the marathon training running until the Dr's say what I can and cannot do. I'm out of commission for at least another week. I can walk and I do that with Kale but for now, the running is on hold.

The weather is fabulous. I turned off the AC back in September and just leave the doors and windows open so when I come home the temp is perfecto! It has rained and it has been fabulous. Kale won't walk on the grass though so when he goes to do his doodies, he tippy toes on and tippy toes off. Then he takes off and runs down the sidewalk because his paws are now wet and he is trying to make them dry. It is hilarious!

I had a Pampered Chef party last week and my sweet neighbors came and it was hilarious. Everyone had a great time. I am having a PartyLite Party this Saturday and can't wait. I love that stuff and I need some new candles because Nathan left all my candles out in 100 degree weather and now these candles are nothing. What an idiot, who leaves the candles outside and doesn't say, "oh, I'm sorry, lets take those and put them inside so they don't melt." Oh well, don't even let me get started on more.

I think another reason that I am late to work too is that I am doing my own personal reading in the morning in the BOM and then I'll read a little bit of my lesson for Primary. I actually like it that way because then it is fresh in my mind during the day and I can remember the actual lesson.

I've been taking the train to work and it has been AWESOME! I drive half way and take the train the other half. Its great. I bought, To The Rescue about President Thomas S Monson and I read it on the train to and from work. I have laughed, I have cried, I have felt compassion for others around me, I have charity for those who need the Savior and I am getting all of this out of his book. Its wonderful. I think that when I'm done I'll go back and read Pres. Hinkley bio since I haven't done that.

My 2nd masters is due to begin mid November so I need to get ready for that too. I have looked over the readings for the first class and am a little bit afraid of it simple because it is something totally new to me yet not foreign. I'm excited at the same time and am soooo willing to learn something new. The program is Masters of Arts in Education/Adult Education Training. I'll be walking again in July 2012. Yahoo! Far, but not to far away. I'm going to throw myself a HUGE graduation/birthday party. I won't yet be 40 but who cares, nobody needs to know. I might even buy myself the Mercedes that I want. Oh yeah!!

I'm done with lunch so I need to get to work. I'll write more later.


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