
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Barely Awake

I can barely keep my eyes open today. Yesterday was terrible too so I left work early because I couldn't stand it anymore. It was a good thing that I did too because the rain was horrific. It was so terrible that it took 40 minutes to get home and when I got there the garage wouldn't open so I was a little freaked out and then I remembered that I had left the patio door open so that the cooler air could get in the house and so I was able to get in. When I entered the entire place didn't have electricity. Everything had been off and the little ole lady who lives next door had come over to tell me that there hadn't been electricity since about 2 pm. I ran to the fridge and to my comfort, all of my ice cream and water was still cold so it forced me to drink a bottle of water and eat an ice cream sandwich, ohhhh sooooo sad ;o)

She, the neighbor Marilyn had told me to come over 1 hr after the electricity kicks on because she was trying to make an apply crisp and wanted to share it with, I did. We visited for about an hour and then I could hear Kale barking his head off so I went home and took him for a walk. She was kind and looks great for being 85. She can live an easy 10 years more. She is in great health and looks about 65.

It rained all night and the rain during the day was sooo intense that all one could see was a thick cloud of grey.

When I left for work this morning there were 4 accidents in which my traffic was affected. I left at 7:11 and I logged in at work at 8:35. What the heck? Yes, it did take me that long to get to work and because of the rain and the sleep deprivation that I have from my trip, I will NOT be staying a full day at work today either. I wanna go home and just rest. Poor Kale just wants to play so I'll sit on the floor and play with him this afternoon too.

I haven't done any running since the Friday morning of my trip so I really need to get on the move and go. When I go home today, I'll quickly change clothes and take Kale out. He will be very tired by the time we're done and so will I.

I will also be preparing my primary lesson about worshiping Heavenly Father and remembering that He gives us everything and that because of him we have all that we do have and to make sure that we don't honor a rock or any other physical or temporal thing because that doesn't bring us happiness and that God can take it away if he chooses to. I have learned that he will bless me based on what I decide to do with what he has already given to me.

I have conference recorded and I noticed today that they are available to listen to via MP3, it is great that technology is on top of things. I also ordered the Ensign finally. I can really write all of my feelings and notes all over it.

I am still looking to buy a kitchen table and chairs. I need one really bad. I have even considered a card table and chairs and can't find one cheap enough. I figure that if I am going to spend over $100 on a card table, I might as well buy a real kitchen table and chairs for another $100, duh, it just makes sense.

It is almost 10:30 and I'm at work, so I better do that.

The Gospel brings joy and peace, I'm grateful for the Savior, my Heavenly Father, the sweet promptings of the Holy Ghost, my dog, Kale, my family and my friends.



Candace said...

Hey, Karen I just thought of this cool yahoo group called freecycle. It is similar to craigslist, but everything posted is stuff people need or would like to get rid of. They have a freecycle group in almost any major area. Go to yahoo groups and search for freecycle and your area. You can post that you Want: Table and chairs and someone who has just been storing the stuff in their garage or maybe their grandma passed away or whatever may respond. Sorry I didn't think of it sooner.

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

oh boy, by the time I saw this, I had already bought one and even posted pictures =D