
Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year

As 2010 comes to an end and 2011 begins, I sit and listen to Elder Nelson about not giving up and to have Hope and Faith and to follow the spirit. As these two years combine and I sit here today, I pledge to myself that I will do my best and try harder to follow the sweet promptings of the Holy Ghost. It is God given to each one of his children for our benefit and for our good so that we will be a peace and have joy in this life.

I have many things that I'll be doing this next year and I'm soooo excited. I've started school again so I'll be doing that until God guides me in another direction. I anticipate to finish in November 2012.

I have plans to:

attend General Conference in April and October and have already requested the time off for that and am in the process if getting tickets.

attend the Manti Pageant in Utah in June and have that set up as well.

also lose 15 pounds by June so I need to get back on the running bug and back in the swimming pool.

need to at some time get home and visit the family but because I work and go to school, I have to squeeze them in since they don't come and visit me.

go on at least 1 date a month and NOT pay for any of it. So far, I'm doing great!

practice the piano 3 days a week so that I am better and that primary can be edified by the spirit of music. Those kids are rough yet sooooooooooo cute.

see a theatrical play at least 1 time a month as well. I have a ticket for Les Mis in June 2011 so I need to do more.

get a massage at least every 6 weeks so that I am calm and ready to work and for school so I'm not all stressed out.

stay out of Dr offices as much as I can this coming year. I spent way to much $$ at the Dr office this last summer and I just can't take it anymore.

Doing all the family history that I can since I can and I learned to embrace it and love it. I have many names that are waiting for my help and other Wicke family members and I can't wait.

I am going home now. Yahoo. The last day at work and I am blogging...well, what better way to end the year since this last year was an up and down year for me.

Love the Lord and be happy,

Karen Nihipali Wicke

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