
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Stand Up Please

I hope that everyone that can see, hear, feel and VOTE does it this year. The big thing in our home this year is the fact that same sex marriages may be legalized in the United States. As the second coming approaches, we need to stand up and say, do and stress the importance of families, which by Gods law includes a Father, a Mother and (a) Child(ren) and the necessity to keep it as such.

Please make sure that you vote "YES" for Proposition 102 because if not, then all churches have to marry same sex couples, private schools such as BYU will have to provide same sex dormitories for couples and we, the people will loose our rights to express our feelings about such a transgression.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that any of these people are not nice or good people. My opinion is, is that they are making incorrect choices and I am NOT here to judge them but to love them and help them. I don't like what Hitler did to the Germans so do I hate the Germans? No. I don't care for what Mainland China does to its people, but do I enjoy them as a people? Yes. I don't have to care for evil, loud ADD kids, but do I? Yes, because I am commanded to do so by a loving Heavenly Father who shows love, blessings me with life and allows me to make choices so I can do the same for others. I actually know some alternative life style individuals and some of hem are actually kind of funny, some are very nice and so are very smart.

Nathan was released today from his calling as a Ward Mission Leader. He started school about 1 month ago and wants to focus on that and do well...which he already is. I have been in nursery for the past couple of weeks and I just love it! Those kids just want to play, they want to love and they want to be loved. We talk, we sing, we learn, we pray and we testify of Jesus. I told them today that I'll totally go to nursery because they need me WAY more than their mothers do in relief society. There is no room for crazy stuff in nursery and we learn and teach by the book and very simply! I love it.
The kids are so cute and they are so fun. They laugh and cry and smile and want to do fun things. Some are busier than others, so are louder, some are quiet and wow, some have LUNGS for crying when they get ready to. We have 2 nurseries so I only know 1/2 of the kids. In the 1 class I have been with for 2 weeks, they are the funniest little creatures and VERY obedient. One of the parents came to pick up the boy and dad asked of Max was good and the teacher, Leanne said, well, sure. Oh contrare! He was pushing a little boy in to the corner like he was a bull and he was so loud and running all over the place. He just has a lot of energy and needs to run around a lot. Mom and dad will have to learn to keep with with him :o) LOLOL...good luck.

Nathan and I came to a consensus today in sacrament meeting for a awesome name for a girl to be added to our family and after we said it and added the last name, we looked at each other and started to laugh and said, simultaneously, forget it...that won't work. The name was Minny. Now put it with Wicke, Minny Wicke. Sorry, that won't work!

I am going to take nap. I'm tired!

Have a great week


Unknown said...

Thanks for your help on Sunday. It sounds like we have a new convert to the Nursery. I'm excited that you want to join us.

desert mom said...

It was good to read your blog again. I'm using Bob's computer until mine is working again. Have fun in the nursery, those little ones have LOTS of energy. They come up with the sweetest things.

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

Mary~your blog is bringing up an is crazy...I have been trying to connect to yours all day and it won't let me.
I hope I can soon :o)

Unknown said...

Good luck getting on. It is up and running. I clicked on my previous comment and went right there.Let me know if you still have problems.

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

yahoo it works.
Thanks Mary!