
Sunday, June 01, 2008

Moving on...

Another week has gone by. Have I ever mentioned that time is just not slow enough?

since the last time I posted, a lot has happened. Monday was a holiday so I didn't have to work...yippee. Instead, we worked here at the house. We painted the backdoor, we cleaned the pool and got it ready for summer...another yippee.

I worked on Tuesday, another 11.5 hr day and came home and didn't feel well. Wednesday I woke up with a sore throat and thought, no way, I can't be getting sick...this is Christmas for me at work...there is now way...well, way.

Wednesday, Nathan had ward leadership meeting so I tag along so that I can practice the piano and we took Ka'le. There were so many people at the chapel that I was afraid that someone would say something, but as far as I know...they didn't. I practiced in the relief society room for the hour. It was nice. I'm going to make it a weekly habit to go to the chapel on Wednesdays and practice for church on Sunday. I'll also practice in the morning before church during our ward missionary meetings.

I didn't work on Thursday because I couldn't talk or breathe. I slept most of the day and also made a dessert for enrichment night for that same night.

I did go to that and came home and went to bed...I started all over again on Friday and went to work until 12:45 PM. Nathan called and said that his mom and 2 of her sisters were waiting at the house to meet me and that he couldn't get 3 girls out of the house. So, needless to say, I came home and fed them the dessert from the night before and we visited for about 2 hrs. It was very nice.
They were so sweet. Cynthia and Billy are Dots sisters that I met. We laughed and had a great time.

We went to the temple after they left and did sealings and then went and saw the movie, The Emma Smith Story. It was so good. You cry, you laugh and you understand what she went through as a woman and how she felt during that time and her love for Joseph, her loss of her children and her loss of her parents. Again, it was awesome.

We had stake conference this weekend too. I dropped Nathan off at leadership meeting and then came home made dinner, got dressed and went back to the chapel with dinner in hand for him as the adult session was last night too. It was so nice. The counselor from the stake presidency talked about humanitarian efforts and what we can do as a general population and good members of church to give, serve and aid to those that need it that live next door to us and that live on the other side of the world from us. Another talk was given by a member that had attended church for 16 years with is wife and never got baptized until April 2008. It was awesome. He is a great guy.

Today we attended the morning session as we wanted to be home in the afternoon to rest, especially me because I still don't feel well. So,, Nathan slept for 4 hrs and I for about 45 minutes and I have read, walked the dog, played around online and here I am. I just made Nathan some dinner and Ka'le wants some...and well, Ka'le usually gets something but it has to happen when Nathan doesn't, ssshhhh...don't tell.

This next week will be busy too like normal. That phrase is nothing new.

Nathan has a job interview with the Arizona Dept of Juvenile Corrections to teach this summer. He'll get the job, I don't doubt it. He has his substitute certificate already and that helps. We know someone who is the head librarian up there, she is in our ward and is helping to get him in the door. He has also submitted his resume for the railroad, he knows someone who works for them too so if he gets the job with them, we are moving from AZ. At this point, we'll stay here. We'd like to move a little north, the Anthem or Happy Valley area if he does get the job with the dept of corrections because it will be closer for him and I can transfer to another area with UOP.

Oh, by the way, I had like my 4th interview with UOP to move to Sacramento, CA but after I had this last interview, there is now way we're moving up there...they won't give me a is a lateral transfer. They are crazy. Can anyone live in CA on a salary less than $65K a year? I don't think so. So, we're not going!

So, for now, we're staying put...which is fine. This isn't moving time for us. We just can't give up everything and expect to do well on the sell of the house and move. The Lord will move us when we are ready and once we are supposed to.

I need to eat something. I made some brown rice & wheat and want to try it with some country I'm going to do it.

Until next time,

Con carino~

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