
Sunday, June 15, 2008

My famous dad...

Alright everyone,
I know that I already posted today however, before church I had a few minutes and so I googled my dad and found some awesome stuff.
He is actually famous! He was quoted a few times while he worked for the Tacoma Fire Department and published in the oh so famous, Seattle PI and the Tacoma News Tribune (TNT). His name is also in the Honolulu Hawaii Star. I started to think again about him about how much my dad has done for me and what he wants for me as his oldest daughter. I remember my dad playing with the kids in the house as he wrestled with us and then kicked our butt but let us think that we were stronger than he was.

I also remember him calling home from 911 Dispatch and telling mom to round up all the kids and go and watch the warehouses go thru its 4-alarm fire. As kids, we found it very entertaining.

I also remember going to Mt Rainer on a day trip like we always did and it was snowy and my dad backed the van up in to a pile of snow so the van got stuck and another car stopped to help dig it out. I can't tell you how old I was, but I can tell you that the van was blue. Us kids know what blue van it was.

I also remember my dad walking home from truck 4 which was down the street and he would stop by Dairy Queen and pick up his favorite dessert, Peanut Buster Parfaits and we'd see him with it and we hadn't had dinner yet and mom getting so mad at him. If I'm not mistaken, that is still one of his favorite desserts.

I also remember the daughter-daddy is a laugh for you. I had some teeth pulled out and it was either on 12th St or 19th St because it was close to school so after I woke up, my dad asked if I wanted to go to school and I said yes, but first we went to get a burger and ha, I couldn't eat it so he packed it up and took it home and then he dropped me off at school. It was so bad and I was so out of it that I was drooling on my desk and there was blood coming out...I couldn't feel it so what did I know...nothing. Before he even got home, the school called to have him come back and pick me up to take me home.

I also remember him being involved with girls camp. Every summer, I didn't go to camp for the full week because I was doing something else or not there, but I do remember is going to camp with my dad and him showing me how to do all the stuff that the girls were taking a whole week to figure out. I certified in everything they did, but rather in a couple of days rather than a week.

I also remember all the priesthood, fathers blessings every September before school started.

I also remember getting in trouble too and my dad sitting me down (trying to sit me down. I didn't like to sit because it would have been a ton of talk about nothing). I don't remember anything he said, but I can tell you now that I do know that he tried his best to communicate with me and tell me that I was important.

Now that I am married and have to communicate with my spouse, it is interesting to see myself as a part of my dad and what he did as a dad and what he tried to do as a father. When crap hits the fan, neither one of us could talk about it...we just didn't know how. Now, well, I just say what it is and what has happened and be done with it, or at least I think that I do. Ask my better half, its hard for me to say anything now, I just do it and don't ask, don't tell, don't vocalize it...I just do it and deal with it. I tend to buckle up when life starts to suck for me and I'll find another way to deal with it.

Oh well, the Lord puts two people together to make one humble and awesome family. I know that to be true, I know that if we could all communicate and listen, we'd all get sick of each other and we wouldn't have to learn to do anything. I know that the Lord brings strong and weak people and things together to bring out the best in everyone and everything.

I love everyone that has come in contact with me. It was for one reason or another.

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