
Saturday, March 28, 2009

White rose

Can I just say that March 2009 has flown by. I look back and don't really know where March has gone. I know that my sister and brother had birthdays and I know that I worked and taught nursery on Sundays but other than than, I can't tell you what I did.

Nathan is another class down so, he is exactly 1/2 way finished with his program. I'm telling you, I can't keep up with time.

I know that March brought the flu to Karen and it wasn't very pleasant. I went to see a new baby 2 different times and could not hold him because I felt terrible and didn't want to be the culprit and get babies sick.

I know that I worked hard this month because I am leading the entire division at work with 85+ students (teachers) that are taking a class, 2 or 3. The normal for this time of year is only 40. All I can say is, is that my Heavenly Father has been with me the entire time because he keeps making it easy and giving me strength and health to be able to work, do my calling, be a wife to Nathan (ask him if it I'm a good wife, because I sometimes don't think so) and be a friend.

I've also become so hooked to FB that I forget to blog. My blog is like my journal for me to remind me of what I've done, how I feel, where I've been and so forth. FB on the other hand is to keep up with people that I know. If I don't know them or don't want to be in contact with someone, I won't accept it. If I feel a void or darkness, I won't accept it either so it helps me stay away from things and attitudes that I don't want to join in on.

I know that the Lord loves me, I never doubt it but I do forget to give gratitude to him for it. I know that the atonement works because I have used it and choose to continue to have it in my life. I know that the Savior suffered for me while in the Garden and then hung on the cross so that I wouldn't have to do it. I also know that he rose 3 days later because he loves me so much that he wants me to return back to my Heavenly Father one day.

Now, to the topic of children. I have been asked lately at work and other places why I don't have any children. I tell them jokingly that I don't have them because their mother is to selfish to have them and Heavenly Father isn't ready to give them to me yet because of that. I have thought about that response and I have a need to change it...Nathan and I don't have them yet because these sweet spirits that Heavenly Father send to earth are WAY to PERFECT to send them to such crazy, selfish and unorganized parents. So, from this moment on, I'm changing my answer :o)

I also just learned of what a Karen is. It is a marker on a trail when one hikes so that they don't get lost. It is a pile of rocks that are stacked 3-4 high so that others can see it to know to continue and they stay on the path. I was VERY humbled to hear that tonight as that is my name and I now need to live up to that. My patriarchal blessing talks of being being an emissary and example and to follow and have the priesthood in my home. Ironically, to the world, the definition of Karen is to be pure and clean. I guess my name is to loved and cherished. I haven't really liked my name because it just seemed so old lady like. I know have a new love for it and a new appreciation for my parents and their wisdom for giving me this name.

I love president Monson! He is speaking now and is asking us to be courageous and to be happy to overcome trials because we'll be happy. The commandments of the Lord are not negotiable and that we can not assume that they are suggestions but actual commandments to help us keep proper perspective and to live a righteous life!

Repentance will allow me to become closer to the Savior and through the Savior, he'll carry me to the Father. What a wonderful thought and promise, stay clean, be clean, no gossip, no impure thoughts, have courage to be chaste and virtuous.

You had to have seen the conference to understand the white rose!


Erin said...

I loved your post. I love how open you are. You are a marker and you have such faith the you show. Reading your posts always enlighten me! Thank you.

I also love you new background! It's snowing here, but it will be spring soon:)

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

Don't get me wrong, I love snow, but also LOVE it when its warm!

Isn't your baby due, like yesterday?