
Monday, March 23, 2009

New Baby

Nathan and I went to Mesa again to visit the family and some friends and so here in Nathan with baby Lincoln. What a cute picture. He started to cry as mom had run to Hobby Lobby with Grif and Logan for about an hour.
I am still not feeling up to par yet to hold any babies. I don't want to get them sick I'm still the picture taker. I know that some Wickes will be visiting within the next couple of weeks and we're excited to see them.

I just got off the phone with the fitness director of the YMCA where I go every week and she said that the training for me to be able to teach water aerobics is in process. It is about 80% done. I am so excited...I get to teach my own class on Wednesdays and Fridays. I get to schedule my own class, my own music and my own routines!! Anyone wanna jump in the pool with me?
That brings me to my next subject, I worked really hard to clean the pool at the house, I cleaned the filters, I took the time to clean out the baskets and add chlorine to the bucket also, all of this being done on Saturday. I spent all morning doing it....AND then...lolololol, Sunday afternoon comes around and the wind blows oh like 40 miles an hour and now the entire pool is full of dirt, leaves, rocks, a few gross things of garbage (that I had to take out on Sunday)...go ahead and laugh, I won't smite anyone with the pool cleaning brush. I was so angry at myself for doing it and then mad at the stupid wind, like the wind is going to change its mind and not blow, this week, I'm going to have to do it ALL over again! You've got to love the weather.
Nursery is as awesome as ever. It is just Nathan and myself now. They took the 3rd teacher and moved her over to primary to teach a class because a family moved and they needed another teacher. I am so glad that I didn't get taken out...I love nursery. It is so exciting and energizing. I learned that Kids are awesome and that they are a handful especially when you get them all riled up like I did and then I couldn't get them to calm down. I realized that kids are great for those who have them and I'm glad that I'm not one of them yet because those riled up kids went home with mom and dad and I went home to a calm house! We talked about family prayer and we colored and ran around the room (I was actually trying to get them to get rid of some energy but that backfired :o) ).
Nathans surgery went well. He is fine and still kicking and talking in his sleep so I've kicked him out and moved him to the other bedroom :o) Nah, just kidding...he is sleeping in the other room though because the bed is better for his back which is fine because I won't wake up with a black eye and a puncture wounds.
Gotta go...I'm at work. Have a lovely week and I'll get back online next week too with new pictures and something new to say, which is hard to do sometimes.

1 comment:

desert mom said...

Sorry to hear you're still not feeling good. Hope that changes soon. Yep, it doesn't do any good to clean (anything) when the wind blows. We're into our windy season now and we've had to cancel two planned trips to White Sands with Katherine. She'll not have the chance to slide down the white sands in a disk. Looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend. Love, Mom