
Saturday, March 07, 2009

A few recent activities...more to come

The West Side Wicke Familly has been a little busy lately.
This is Nathan and brand new Lincoln Wicke, only 3 days old
March 2009
Ben, Thomas, Laurel (1 week before she gave birth to Lincoln), Karen & Nathan
March 2009
Karen, Laurel and Nathan
March 2009
Nathan, Bishop Kerry & Kathy Jucheau & Karen
February 2009
I had to throw a picture in of the Ka'le because he is camera shy so as soon I could get the picture, it was on!
January 2009

Lover everyone!
Karen Leihua Wicke


desert mom said...

Wonderful pictures Karen, Thanks!!!
My Love

Laurel said...

(actually this is Thomas posting). There was a golden aged missionary couple on my mission named Elder and Sister Jucheau... Can you ask your Bishop if they are related to some who served in the Colorado Denver Mission around 1989-1991?

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

Thomas through Laurel...I sent an email to the Juchaus to found out if there is any relation. Wouldn't that be awesome if there is. What a small world we live in!

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen!!!

I bet this golden age missionary couple in Colorado was my husband's parents. They served in the mission office the whole length of their mission. I think, but not sure, that the mission office was in Littleton at the time. Their thing was to take missionaries out to dinner AND to travel through the mission sightseeing with friends that would come to visit. While I love my in-laws it really bugged me in a sarcastic sort of way, that my mother-in-law would always tell us how much she could related to what it's like to be a full-time missionary out in the field....yeah, right!!! But yes, the people named Juchau are Kerry's parents.

It was great to see you and Nathan at Church when Kerry was released!!! Thank you for making the effort to be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Cathy