
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lost blog

I know that I blogged the other day and now I look at my site and dang it, its gone.

Oh well, I guess it forces me to do it again and this time make it more meaningful and enlightening (I hope).
If I can remember right, I think that I wrote that Nathan wasn't feeling well but getting better and that he didn't get a chance to go to church because he didn't sleep and that he can't breathe or see as his head is I'm not adding cotton to any part of his face...ears, eyes, nose and mouth. He's my heart now and I don't really know what I'd do without him.

Ironic that I'd say that because this past week, he had a very dear friend pass away and he was only 34 so we have thought a lot about what our lives mean and what we do for each other and what we can still improve on to benefit one another. At least, that is what I have thought a lot about this past week. He asked me last Friday, "what would you say at my funeral? What words would you use to describe me?" I can't remember exactly the word but now that I think of it, I have to say that it probably wasn't the best of choices of words. His vocabulary is so high that I have to now say that I wish I would have used eclectic, which means selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles and/or composed of elements drawn from various sources. His source is his Savior, his redeemer and his Father in Heaven. I love that. I love that this is his true strength. I love the fact that when he speaks of any one of the 12 and their lives and their talks, he can quote them and give the reference to when they spoke and how it helped him and remember it.

I love his facial expressions when he is mad, when he is frustrated, when he wants to bust up laughing and when he does laugh. I love the fact that he makes fun of my lost puppies name, Sweet Pea. Yes, her name was Sweet Pea and when he says it, he just cracks up (Her picture is at the top of the blog).

I love how he reminds me to PLEASE clean off the kitchen counters after I make a mess because frankly it does get pretty disgusting and dirty and if I don't do it, we can get sick, and well, Nathan has the flu...but that doesn't mean that I didn't clean off the counters. I am getting better at it.

I have to admit that I am a better mens shirt ironer!!! I was terrible at the beginning, I'll admit it and am getting better at it.

My Nathan brings a different spirit to our home than I could have ever brought by myself. I have noticed that from the very beginning. Even if either one of us thinks that we are having a bad is still an awesome place to come home to!
I'm still working and producing at work. I've been in the top 5 for the past 3 years and think that I'll be there for a little while least another year. I've been #1 for the past 8 months and that is kind of getting a little old. I'm doing some new hire training and that is fun. I enjoy that probably the most.
I am substituting a friends English as a Second Language class that is at a chapel up on 48th Ave & Orangewood. That has been a blast. We laugh and talk a lot and share experiences. We go through the book too but not that quickly because the whole idea is to me is to speak and talk and figure out vocally what the heck to say when they need to say it and converse with others. Thats' fun!
I'll take some pictures and post them on the next blog as I will be working with them through the end of this week. Tracy is on a trip and will be back this next weekend.
Well, I need to get some work done...dang it, I'm at work and doing this...slap my hand...NOT...I can be productive and be #1 and do this too...leave me alone!
My brother Steven is in Kuwait and will be there for some time, I guess. Please pray for him and his buddies that he'll be safe and that he knows that he's loved.


desert mom said...

Sweet Pea looks like a sweet puppy. When did you have her? Those ears are fantastic. She was really paying attention to who ever was taking the picture. Sorry to hear that Nathan is under the weather, Get well soon.

I read your blog the other day and it's still there on this end. Many Thanks to your brother and all those who serve to keep us free.
My Love

Anonymous said...

I had her for about 1 year and I had another brother let her out of the house and she took off and he didn't go after her so I lost her. I haven't had her for about 1 1/2 years. It has been a sad time. I do look for her every once in a while though. She was always that attentive. Her ears never lied down either. She even slept like was so funny.