
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Conversion Story

We had stake conference a couple of weeks ago and our stake president asked all the adults at the Saturday night session to write their conversion story because not only will our testimonies be strengthened but so will someone elses and someone may gain one. He said to share with family, friends and aquantances. He told us that if we shared our story we'd be blessed and I am in despirate need of blessings and want to feel the spirit in my life so I'm going to do it.

So, here I go. It is a simple testimony. I don't know how else to share it or say it.

I was born in to the covenant to wonderful parents who did their best in 1973. They taught basic gospel principals and taught me right from wrong, however, as a teen ager and in my early 20's I decided that I wanted to do things on my own. Let me back up a little bit. I went to wards where there were very little youth. I skipped the later part of primary and went to young womens because it was just me. I never went to a full week of girls camp because I had other places that I was going to be or doing so I couldn't go the whole time. Could I have made adjustments? You better believe it, but I didn't. Did I enjoy seminary? No, I actually hated it and made it miserable for myself by acting like a complete idiot (that form of sickness is called PRIDE). I grauated from HS and didn't know what to do with my life, so I went to Hawaii (December 1991) and because again of pride, I didn't go to church and I hated it there so once again I made it miserable for myself. I tried to go to activities with the "Y" but at the time, I just didn't fit in so I wasn't invited to a lot of places or activities. Dang, I keep making things worse for myself and nothing was really bad, I just made it that way. What was I thinking? I wasn't really. Nobody was bad to me there, I just didn't do what I was supposed to do so I made it bad on myself.

I returned back to WA and a friend, Genne begged me to go to Ricks (AKA, BYU-Idaho) so I did (January 1993). Again, because I was swaying from one life to another, I didn't like it because I was still trying to find myself. What does that mean anyways? Who knows. Everyone has their own definition. Anyways, I went there for the Winter term and first sport Spring term and went home because frankly, I didn't like it nor did they like me. My grades were terrible and I couldn't do what I wanted (don't worry, nothing bad) or feel or find what I needed. I did go to church there but felt out of place, I felt like a fish out of water as Joseph Smith, Jr said he felt like if he wasn't being persecuted during the early days of the church. Anyways, as you can tell I didn't find myself ;o)

I went back to WA still, not being active (June 1993). I guess I was looking for peace but because I saw the negitive in everything I just couldn't go to church, I tried to be a visiting teacher but what good did that do when I wasn't doing what the messages where saying anyways? What good was my visit when I was so miserable? I did try to go to activities. I did try to have friends, I did try to do good but kept getting swept under the rug and then I'd stay there instead of pleading in humble prayer for help out.

I attended a community college a couple of times in WA but just hated it, I went to the singles ward there and again, I didn't fit in.

One day I asked my mom if she had heard of Weber State University and she thought that she had and I told her that I was going to apply. That was sometime in January (1994). She said that she might have thought that it was in Utah, so we looked at each other and together, thought, nah, you (I) won't go there. Theres no way, you (I) don't even go to church and Utah mormons are well, just so, so, so different. Well I sent the letter asking for information and about a week later I received a huge packet in the mail (this was before internet so don't laugh).

I filled it out and sent it off. To my surprise, I was accepted for the Fall 1994 school year and some of my classes that I'd taken at the community college and at Ricks transfered, not all of course but a good chunk of them :o) I about died because I needed to be there. Little did I know that this was going to be the turning point of my life. Little did I know that the Lord had his hand in ALL of this. So, I guess I can honestly say that this was the beginning of my new life.

I struggled still with going to church and knew that it was the biggest thing with what was happening with my life yet still I CHOSE to not go and if I did it was to go through the motions. I knew that I was missing the peace and the fulfillment of the atonement in my life but didn't know it exactly (I seriously know it now).

I fought with when should I go down there, leave with the family in June and attend the family reunion or wait for until the Fall. It wasn't a hard choice for very long, it took oh, seriously, 8 minutes and 3 phone calls later and I was leaving for Ogden, UT in June. Again, little did I know that the Lord had his hand in this too.

I had a place to stay and was going to find a job after I got there. The job thing didn't turn out but I don't care, FA was in place and school was starting so I just went to school and institute. Ut oh? Did I say institute? Actually, yes. The home that I stayed in didn't allow anyone to stay there if they didn't take an institute class. So, I thought what the heck, why not. I need to make changes in my life anyways so I took a class, then the next day I registered for 3 more. So, I had a full class load across the street at school and 4 institute classes. I lived at the institute building and at campus.

This was my turnin point, in other words, my conversion. I learned here that God was real and that he loved me and that my family as good as I thought they were there were things that I needed to learn and do elsewhere and learn by others. I lived with Lou and Pamela Johnson and their daughter Samantha and their son Steven who had already served a mission and was a social butterfly and who was so awesome. When I first met him I thought, wow, if I could find a husband like him, I'll be a queen and happy all my days. I remember thanking my lucky stars for meeting him because he was just awesome. He was friendly, everyone enjoyed him, he had friends, he worked, he studied hard and he was funny. I remember telling Pam how wonderful it was to have an older brother! All of the Johnson kids were good looking. They had beautiful features and wonderful personalities.

I also learned the role of Jesus Christ. I learned of his role in my life and what I needed to do to have the holy ghost be my constant companion. Remember when I mentioned that I knew that I was missing something in my life and that I needed light in my soul? Well, this is what it was. The knowledge and growing testimony of Jesus Christ and that he loved me no matter what I had gone through in my life he would always be there as long as I lived worthy enough to have him by my side. I have ready my P. blessing many, many times since this new beginning and I have often thought, "duh, Karen, what were you thinking when you were a ki? Why didn't you let the spirit guide you when you needed it most?" Those are questions that only I can answer, or not. So far, not.

I not only attended institute classes but I graduated from institute 3 different times. I took 3-5 classes every term that I took classes across the street at WSU. I worked full time for Oshmans's SuperSports as well. In March 2006, I flew back to WA and, yippy, I took out my endowments in the Seattle Temple! Yep, I changed my life around. I was active at church, I had read the Book of Mormon at least twice already from cover to cover and I had callings in my singles ward and a role with the institute student counsel.

Then in January 1997 I had a terrible feeling one day while sitting in a class, which said, go check on FA. I thought, my gosh, it has been fine up to this point, what could surely be wrong. So, instead of ignoring the feelig, I went and checked, and something had gone wrong. There was some missing paperwork for the winter term. I thought well, instead of playing around with this, I'm going on a mission! Hah, did I just say that. Did I just mention mission. My sister had just left in November 1996 for a mission to Germany and my brother Kenji was getting ready to go in March 1997. What was I going to do and how was I going to pay for it? I had no idea, but, as normal, the Lord was creating a way and making the path as bright as he could. I dropped my classes at WSU and then took 6 institute classes including choir, student counsel and working full time. I went to work and told them what I was doing and that I needed to work as much as I could every day but Sunday and any time and it happened. To make my life story short, I got my papers, I had them turned in with a month of receiving them. I planned along with student counsel and the institute to have President Hinkley speak for a devotional, I sang at General Conference at the April Saturday afternoon session and met many people during that time while in Utah and being a part of the growing church there.

I need to through this in here new awesome sweetheart was serving his mission in the Ogden, UT mission from 1993 to 1995 so ironically, he was there while I was there too. We walked the same streets and went to the same places. It is awesome.

Anyways, the Wednesday after general conference, I received my mission call to Arcadia, California Spanish Speaking. HA, can you believe it? I was to be in the MTC on 09-July 1997. I had 4 months to get everything I needed in line including clothes, shoes, everything. I had to find a place to store all of my stuff for 18 months. A friend of mine said that he had a place for it and that it would be safe there (which it was, some things were missing when I came back but thats ok, I obviously didn't need them).

1 comment:

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

This is part all wouldn't fit in the same section.