
Sunday, December 14, 2008

A different time of year

OK, I know that some of you who follow me won't believe me when I tell you that I miss the SNOW. Nathan my obvious better half will laugh at this when he sees that I am writing about missing the cold weather, the snow capped mountains and the beautiful eyes of Gods creation, the animals. This week I'll be working a full week and then Thursday night Nathan has class, I'll go to the gym and then run over to the chapel for enrichment night. They are doing a cookie exchange...I don't think I'll do it because I don't want cookies lingering in my house. I'll go though just so that I can associate with the other sisters since we are in nursery. Saturday I think I'm going to go North for a few hours and walk around with Ka'le...apparently there is snow just NW of Flagstaff. I can't is going to be so nice. However, the downside to that is that I am going to freeze. I don't have a winter jacket, I don't have gloves and a warm hat, sssoooo, I am going to go up to the snow and tough it out! :o) Oh now...more on that one later.

I have been trying to transfer payroll funds from one bank to another for the past 6 weeks and can I just say that it is ssssssssssooooooooooo annoying! It is confusing, long and a pay. We have been patient and just cry when things are working (well, I cry) and we move what funds we don't have to cover something else and then move it back to cover what we are trying to gosh, direct deposit is a blessing and a drag when something doesn't go through. Oh well, I am hoping it will all take care of itself by the end of the year...another couple of weeks.

We made cookies the other day that was made with Splenda and Red Wheat Flour. They were pretty good. I was pretty proud of myself to make them. They had chocolate and butterscotch chips and peanut butter. They were pretty good.

I need to get to bed. I have to be at work by 7 so I get up at 5 :o)

I'll write later this week.

1 comment:

desert mom said...

I love the snow for a few minutes. It's a wonderful change from the rest of the year. The key to enjoying it though is warm clothes. Check with DI or Goodwill and get some warm clothing. Have fun!!!
Much Love