
Monday, May 09, 2011

Who would have thunk

OK readers or anybody who cares.

Who would have thought that if I decide to go to a dance on a Saturday night by myself that I would be hit on by men that are old enough to be my father? It was hilarious. Everyone that asked me to dance was very kind, some ugly, some short, some heavy, some very good dancers and others well, old enough to be my dad. Funny enough, I did give my phone # to the nicest guy there who has a daughter that is turning 30 in a couple of months. I even asked him if he was a pedophile and he was totally offended and got over really quick when I told him that I'd dance with him if he was honest. Yep, that worked!

There were very few youngins' at the dance and I mean, people that were under 40 however the older crowd was really tearin' up the dance floor. It was fun to watch and dance with them. The line dances are hilarious!

Who would have thought that if I had decided to go dancing with friends that any of these guys would have even considered to ask me to dance? Probably, oh maybe, 1.

I did homework on Friday and spent the time with my dog, Ka'le at the dog park which by the way is a hilarious place to meet people too. I am standing at the park and I see this young kid who barely finishes high school who comes with his dog (obviously) who starts to ask me questions on dating and then he says that he is an eagle scout, like that is supposed to impress me at his age and then I tell that he has to be Mormon and he said that he doesn't like to go because he can't do certain things, like have sex, which he swears he still hasn't done, which is fine, I don't care, I'm not there to judge him, just listen and then I tell him that he wouldn't worry about girls and all that childish stuff if he would go on a mission. He then tells me, well if I go on a mission than I can't do what I want. I then tell him the mission is NOT for him, its for the Lord and then Lord will make him whatever HE wants. He just looked at me and said thanks and walked away. It was hilarious. I don't think that his intention of talking to me was for someone to tell him to go on a mission, but rather pick up a girl, which I wasn't going down that road at all. Hilarious!

Right after the dog park incident, I jumped in the car and went to Glendale to have dinner with friends and meet new ones. It was awesome. I met a real guy named Buzzz. Yep, his name has 3 "z". His brother, Paul, looked just like Patrick Swayze and wow, he had the hair and everything they said was hilarious or unbelievable! My sweet friend Traci was there and I met a new friend, Candy. It was awesome. I went and say Dylan Dog with Traci after wards, not recommended at all.

Saturday I got up early, did some homework, worked on my lesson for primary and then went and saw Something Borrowed. It was so funny and very cute. 100 women were in the theater and there were about 10 men. Come on ladies, if the man doesn't want to be there, leave him home or let him go see his own movie.

I took Ka'le to the dog park at least 3-4 times on Saturday because I think that he deserves it since he is stuck at the house while I'm at work M-F.

My lesson went well in primary, the kids are awesome and they are soooo sweet. Weston just wants hugs and his words and talking are getting TONS better. Maggie is coming a true 4 year old. She is the youngest of the group and still wants to go with Sunbeams; cute.

Mothers Day has come and gone and nobody called me including my own mom nor did I call her because I was testing to see if she would even consider calling me, which I should know, she wouldn't and she didn't. I didn't send a present because I sent $$ to my dad a couple of months ago to buy her something so I'm hoping that the money was used for that gift. Those darn, E-Readers!

I have about an hour to go here at work and then I'm off to turn in my assignment for class. Its already done, I just didn't want to do it here at work and I didn't. Its saved at home ready for submission.

The Lord lives, he loves me and has given me a simple health trial, Iron Deficiency Anemia where I've had to go to the Ironwood Arizona Cancer Center for the past 5 days and have iron injected via an IV. It'll be at least 6 weeks to see if my body will take it. I read the scriptures every day and I'm sooo grateful for that. It is a life changer and if I ever miss a day, I feel like a dying cow :o(

I'm grateful for priesthood blessings and those worthy enough to give them. My home teacher and his son gave me a blessing for health and then my friend Craig and a guy from the ward, Dylan gave me one for peace and comfort and wow, the Lord knows us and knows our desires and needs and it has HELPED me out tons. That was all done last week too.

Craig had to tell me to not be so needy which is fine and to not be so clingy and it was funny to see the communication differences and the way that I respond to a question or plea. It was nice to see that he was still kind about it and I hope that I don't seem to be so crude or rude.

I need to get to work.

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