
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Missing Information

Isn't it sad sometimes when you want to know the missing links to issues that come up in your life and then when you find out what they are, they hurt and make you feel terrible. I am hurt right now because of something that someone said about me and you know. I'll get over it within the next day or two because I have more important things to worry about than think of why a person doesn't like, love or have interest in me.

It is interesting to know that someone who once loved or you thought they loved you now says that they never did and that they don't want anything to do with you because of how I look. I just don't understand that mortal, unrealistic thought. Really? Someone doesn't like me because of how I dress, how my body is, how I walk, how I talk, or even how I do my hair. Someone isn't interested in me because there is no physical attraction there. I think that the person should have thought about that before they even caught a second glimpse at me.

I will be over this issue in my life in a few hours and even as long as a day because I know that the one person in my life who lives me for me and doesn't care what I look like, nor how I dress or how my body is after I loose 130 pounds. Of course, it is going to be ugly, of course it is going to have some flaws but to marry someone and then get a divorce because of what I look like, that just doesn't make any sense at all.

I know that my Heavenly Father loves me for me. I know that my short legs and my pudgy body and my strange hair and acne face to him does not make a difference at all. I know that it is what I do and who I follow and the commandments that I choose to endure with, is what the only man in my life needs me to do and with that being said; I'm a blessed daughter of a Loving Heavenly Father.

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