
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Awesome Friends

Good morning world :o)

I have been so busy lately and it has been so exciting to be busy to keep my mind going, my body running and my sleep to a minimum. Its been awesome. I have met some awesome, wonderful people and have made great friends.

I have been keeping busy working on homework for class, teaching primary, doing family history, being involved with Mid-Single dances, activities, firesides and FHE. I have been on dates and hanging out with awesome people who realize that each one of us are different and we don't judge each other because of it, rather we build and edify one another.

A few of the activities that I'm involved with are things like a spring training game between the Dodgers and the Oakland A's, a concert called by a HUGE LDS group in Mesa, a Hawaiian Concert in Tempe, a BBQ and Wii night, a possible trip to Tucson for a Singles Conference, Fiddler on the Roof live and then my annual trip to UT for General Conference which I am so excited about. I can't wait. April is full of fun and exciting things too and I'm so excited.

I have been to many dances in the past month and enjoying new people and things. I've made a great friend who recently is returning to the gospel and the light after some time and it has been wonderful to see his testimony grow in the two weeks that I've known him. He will continue to grow and his spirit will be edified and uplifted. His story is awesome and he should write it down so I'll have to tell him.

I have met some awesome people who I need and who need me and I'm so grateful for their friendship and care. I went to a dance the other day and this young kid was there which was odd and then all of a sudden, he asked me to dance and he was there scouting out the gals for his DAD. Yeah, can you believe it, his dad. He has only been home from the mission for 4 days at that point and so he was getting the ladies so that his dad would dance with them. Hilarious! I did and I didn't like him so I moved on!

I'll be teaching the 4 yr olds in primary and they are sooooo cute. One is not a talker, another is ADD, another is way to smart and another is just there.

I need to get to work so I need to go.


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