
Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Sundays are for

I woke up at 6 this morning, took Kale for a walk (no surprise), read scriptures and got ready for church. I knew that today would be a fabulous day since last week our ward was notified that we'd be receiving and sustaining a new bishopric. Wow, awesome I thought, I'm in a ward that is just awesome and I'll miss the bishop and his kindness. Bishop Curtis Farnsworth as been a bishop in 2 different wards over an 11 year period and served for 8 years. Holla, wow, what a long time. He was fabulous.

Sundays are to be rejuvenated, uplifted and edified. I'm so grateful for Sundays and I love them.

The only thing that I can say is, I walked through the doors today, sat down and looked straight at the back of the head of the new bishop (which I didn't know yet) and thought to myself, I wonder if its him, it looks like his parents are here and the spirit is very strong. Sure enough, the stake president stands and calls Bishop Matt Porter. I knew it. As soon as I glanced over at him, he had angels that were surrounding him and he just looked the part with the keys of the father of the ward with angels carrying him. It was so heavenly and sacred. I couldn't believe what I personally was seeing. As I watched him walk up to the front with his counselors, holy cow, it was fabulous. I know that the three were called of God. I know that we have leaders, teachers and callings filled because that is where Heavenly Father wants them for a specific purpose. Bishop Porter, your family will be blessed. You will not fail and with your faith and the faith of Marie, your family will progress and wow, what a awesome experience.

The spirit was AWESOME in primary. Each month this year they will have a scripture hero dress up and deliver a message about their story and what they did. Today it was Joseph Smith. It was awesome and the Holy Ghost testified to each of those sweet kids, the teachers and all that were there that the Scriptures are the Word of God and that by them we can have peace and freedom IF we live and abide by them.

I was invited to go WICKED on Saturday and let me tell you, it rocked. Craig was so nice about it. He invited me, he picked me up, he paid for lunch which we packed up and brought back and had for dinner too. He met my dog and we just laughed and talked a lot. I also had the spirit touch me to tell me to please, please pray WITH his 4 children. He will be a better father because of it and that his kids won't be so rambunctious if he did and he wouldn't stress out so much because of his ex wife. He will also be blessed with his job so that he can continue to help his kids and survive in this life. I was also prompted to tell him to just keep moving forward and to not look back at what has happened because Heavenly Father has great things in store for him. It was awesome for to follow the spirit and be guided to tell him those things. It was like Heavenly Father was speaking to me too and Craig just happened to be there.

My class for MAED/AET, AET505, Foundations of Adult Education is ending and today my last assignment is due. I'm actually waiting for 8 PM to roll around so that I can turn it on.

This last week, I was told at work too that I'll be receiving another raise of 6.1%. The entire university is doing a market evaluation and moving current employees to match the market. I cannot say how excited that I am that Heavenly Father has allowed me to be where I am, have the job that I do, return to school again and have the ability to pay off my car by Jan 2012. I cannot believe it yet I see his hands taking me through this life. I know that I am no longer married so that he can use me in a different way. I know that I married Nathan to bless his life as he needed to be blessed and likewise myself.

I've been reading the word, "healing, to heal, heal, healed" a lot in the Book of Mormon lately and it is fabulous how it is used to heal through the Resurrection and healing through the Atonement. 2 Nefi refers to both of them if someone wants to know. It is fabulous that we are able to be healed every Sunday as we partake of the sacrament and every time we attend the temple. It is awesome.

I learned this past week too that charity and visiting teaching and love go, oh so hand in hand. I am grateful for a visiting teaching companion who taught me that this last week that when we ask someone if they need anything to not be fake about it and to love them. Monica Pack, thank you and I'm grateful for the humble reminder.

I need to get this last team assignment in so I'm closing for now. I have a busy week with FHE at the park and a bonfire on Monday, Kale has a hair cut, I'm going to go to the family history center on Tues and there is a Stake RS Activity on Sat. Yahoo and Veronica Lindenmuth is getting married Saturday so I'll be going to that too. Good thing I don't have class ;o)


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