
Wednesday, January 05, 2011

I'm still sick

and I'm finally going to the Dr about it today. I went to the Foot Dr yesterday and he finally said the 1 word that I was I have another appt in February and at that time we'll see if that is something that we need to seriously do. If it is, it'll suck and if its not, well, YAHOO.

I've been coughing Flem and other gross stuff coming from my sinus' and my head on the right side is throbbing. Every time I cough I want to roll on the floor because it hurts my head to do it. My throat hurts when I wake up and if I don't take any medicine right away it'll be terrible for the rest of the day. I can hardly open my eyes it hurts so bad. I've downed about 3 bottles of medicine and I just can't do it anymore. I was hoping it would just go away on its own and it hasn't, obviously. I was really sick during Thanksgiving and then it came back during Christmas and New Years so I'm going to get rid of it for sure.

I was called by the car rental place on Monday telling me that I had to pay for the rental that sat in the garage while I was in St George for Christmas and I told them that they had to duke it out with the insurance company and with Arizona Collision Specialist and that I wasn't paying for anything because my car wasn't finished when they said that it would be. So, just now I got a call from Arizona Collision Specialist and they are going to suck up the $124.80 bill that Enterprise wanted to charge me. You know it...that whole ordeal wasn't my fault. I TOLD them that I had to bring the car back or I'd be out of town and return the rental when I got back. Well, that is what happened. I had to make a last split second decision on where I was going to go for Christmas too because I was to originally drive home to PDX but made changes to go to St George.

I know to some this sounds terrible but I am soooooo grateful that I did. I learned so much about myself and about who people are and their sweetness and kindness. I love Traci Astle and her family and for their support and love. They were great to hang with and I'm grateful to have gotten to know them.

I'm going back to work now and I'm glad to be here even though I feel terrible. Kale is so sweet too. He can tell that I'm not feeling well but he still wants to go on long walks and still wants to go hang out at the dog park so I take him because I'm a good mommy.

My MAED/AET class is back in full swing and I'm working on that now. I hope that this class finishes sooner than later. I need a break from it already.

I have made plans to attend General Conference in April, the Manti Pageant in Manti and General Conference again in October. I'm soooo excited. I'll try to make it with friends Amiee and Max Finster to the pageant. Tiffany Harrison is over in that area too along with cousin, Danny Parker so I hope that we can all get together and go and have a fabulous time.

I'm back at work and busy and I hope it stays this way. Our division finally was approved to be its own separate entity so we now have our own VP our own connections and money to the real university. We don't fall under any other group and its great. There are tons of changes that are going to take place and it is sooo exciting.


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