
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Busy days lay ahead

This week has been exciting. Last weekend was General Conference and Nathans Birthday party which by the way, was a total success for the entire weekend.

I have started to go back to the gym & just love it. I love the classes and the people and the ability to work out and strengthen back up this flabby midsection:o)
As Nathan has started school again, I have taken the liberty and follow his counsel and leave the house so that it is quiet so that he can study (he needs pure silence and me, well, I needed noise to study...its weird for me to have complete silence), so I have gone shopping with friends and have gone hiking to give that "quiet time".
I am trying to get my sister to fly out for Thanksgiving but I don't think that'll happen, I wish she would though, it would be a ton of fun.

We spent last Sunday at Thomas and Laurel Wicke home in east Mesa for the afternoon session of GC after spending time at Bens for his waffle breakfast, which was a blast. My friend Melanie also joined us out there, that was nice.

We also had breakfast with the Dunn family that is in our ward and watch GC at their home, that was so sweet of them to invite us over. It was awesome too.

I hiked for a couple of hours at Squaw Peak here in Phoenix off highway 51 and Glendale Ave. That was awesome. I took Ka'le & he ran around which was nice. It wore him out which is good and the weather was absolutely perfect, about 75 degrees with a slight breeze. Nathan actually told me to take a sweater which I did, but I left it in the car, the weather was to nice to wear it ;o)

I had an interview for another position at Apollo Group, but like always, didn't get it probably because I am to valuable with my current position, which is fine. The next raise will be a big one! I'm not worried about it. At least I have work, there are those who don't have a job and, well, in this economy, that would suck!
We were asked to be released from our callings and we, Nathan and I were both called to go to NURSERY, yep, that's right, playing with the kid. I am so excited. They are so fun and so cute. Each kid has their own personality and they are just a blast! There are 2 classes of at least 15 kids per class so, imagine, it could be pretty hectic...they were really good though. It'll be fun, no politics, nothing to worry about while we are there because these sweet kids don't give a hoot. They just want to be loved, to give love, to share, to eat treats, take naps and poop (which happened today with 2 was fun ;o) ).
Well, I need to get things ready for work this week and for the gym. I am going visiting teaching this week too so I need to get that ready too. Our home teacher finally came to visit. That is the 2nd time in 14 months. I haven't had visiting teachers in a year! It sucks, but the loss, well, is really on those who don't come.

Here are a few pictures of Nathans birthday party, Bens waffle fruitology and my hike to Squaw Peak.


desert mom said...

Congratulations on your new callings. Do you know what the fountain of youth is? Working with kids. They keep you young.
Much Love

Laurel said...

You'll be great in your new calling! I love that you have a picture of Logan eating ice cream for breakfast. Where is her mom, anyway??

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

I scream for ice cream...yummy...a great breakfast food :o)