
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day...11 May 2008

Anoter week has gone by and a lot has happened. I worked 3 days this week, had an all day training in the middle of the week and then only half day on Friday. I cleaned house on Saturday and cleaned out the pool!! I even got in the pool and swam around while cleaning it. It felt so good.

My puppies both need a bath and it would make them feel so good if I would just do it but it is to hard for me to give them both a bath as my back is killing me since I pulled it down in Mexico, Christmas of 2006.

Nathan has allergies again and so he isn't feeling well. He slept for at least 18 hours on Saturday. Friday night, we were the parents of the Glendale YSA dance at the Glendale Stake Center. It was a lot of fun. We saw friends that we hadn't seen in a long time that are still in the singles ward.

The music was really good too. There was a huge variety of music that satisfied the country lover to the hispanic "ranchera" music...which by the way is their version of's terrible ;o)

Gotta go...I have been saying that I'll make chocolate chip cookies for 3 days and haven't done it yet so now is the time to do it so that I can get to bed at 8 PM to start off my Monday bright and early. I usually get up at 4:15 and if I go to bed late, I am up at 5 and then I am running really late.

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there!! Funny, Nathan asked me yesterday if I wanted anything for mothers day and I said to him, "for what? I'm not a mom". He said, "not yet and not literally, but to the elders in the ward and to me and your puppies, you're a good mom."
So, I told him, forget it...I don't need anything, besides, we don't have the money to buy anything. Guess, you had to be was a funny conversation.


1 comment:

desert mom said...

I think Nathan is right. You are a good "mother" to many.

So glad you're back again, I love to hear about your busy life. Yes, it's time to enjoy the pool again. Good for you.

It was wonderful to see you at Kathlynn's.

Looking forward to your PARTY!