
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

new year

Wow...what a new year this has been so far. Already 15 days in the January and it feels like 6 months!!
Time at work is just flying. Last week I worked 4 hours of OT so that we can still pay off the wedding back in August. Can you believe it, I have been married for going on 5 moths. Where does the time go?

I am trying to train myself for management at work and its frustrating because I am impeding myself from doing it. I don't talk to a lot of people. I just do my work and go home. I work hard and use the people that I need to use to do well and thank them and keep working smart to get smarter. I'll do it...I'll make a huge effort to do my best though to get to know and talk to other people. That is my greatest weakness.

My final class of the masters program was canceled do to low enrollment. It makes me so angry because they guy who schedules me hasn't scheduled me for the next start date and all I get is a bunch of crappy lip service about them being busy and slammed. I don't care how slammed you are, you don't tell a customer that they are busy and can't do it. Well, dang it, if it wasn't for me and all the $$ I just paid your company, you wouldn't have a job so...suck it can schedule for 45 seconds and put me in my last class. a thought...45 seconds to get paid $33K annually. Wow...that is a concept. Break down the dollars and how much did you just get paid for that amount of time you just spent on 1 person.
Oh well, what crap and crap happens and if you leave it to Karen to tell people about it, um, she will.

Nathan and I are just plugging along. We have our up and down days. I'd like to say that we have more up days than down and he'll probably tell you the same thing. We know that it takes a lot of effort to lay the foundation for an awesome family and a good life and there are humps to get over to do that. The Salt Lake Temple was started and then stopped and the restarted so it took 40 years to build.

It is so funny how two different worlds can come together and make 1 awesome world. He has such a different background and I yearn for it and I come from a completely different background and he thinks to himself, "wow, my life wasn't that bad".

He wants to talk about everything and I don't want to talk about anything. Nobody listened to me before so why bother now...he says the exact same thing and says that he tried to talk to his family about stuff and they didn't want to listen but he kept trying anyways...its all good. We want to talk to each other but we just stare at each other like deer in bright headlights and don't know what to say without hurting each other or ourselves. We'll get over it. Even those that have been married for 50 years so have issues like this. I don't expect it to go away any time soon...that's for sure.

I love my calling as ward missionary. It seems like there is more talk than action though. Our last missionary correlation meeting we talked about setting a date for new members to go do baptisms for the dead and there was no action taken on that...I mean, nobody made an announcement in church, nobody called the temple about an appointment and nobody told anybody about, I took it upon myself today to do it. I can't just let the new members come to church and be active and not do anything. I need to be apart of this work to so I made the appointment for the middle of February on the same day that the rest of the ward goes to do temple work. What a better opportunity for the new members to go...right along side of all the others. They'll feel like they are apart of the ward, feel the spirit and feel like they are getting closer to their goal...going through the temple for themselves.

Neither one of us have to work on Monday so we are going to go to Sedona, AZ and hang out. Neither one of us have never been before and we want to go. We'll probably go see a movie too. We both like movies and the only way that Nathan can get me to sit still is by taking me to a theater. We actually thought about driving to Las Cruces, NM but today we thought that it would be better to stay here and go somewhere local and hang out together. There i a lot here that neither one of us has seen so we want to go and hang out. We're big Costco fans so we'll probably end up there too.

I need to get to sleep. I get up at 4:15 in the morning and I like to be asleep by 9 and it is already 9:30.

Peace be to all...

Karen Nihipali-Wicke.


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,
I'm back again, it's taking me awhile to read all these interesting blogs. That's one thing about taking a vacation without Internet time. Lots to catch up on. It is amazing how the time is flying! Jan. 23rd. already. One thing you can look forward to is time in your pool. Right now doesn't entice me with our cool weather but in a couple of months yes!!
Keep up the good studies, it'll be worth it.
mother11 - am changing my name to desert mom

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

Vacation!! Whats that? It feels like forever since I have been on one of those. Time does fly especially when one is doing something good and something productive.
Thanks for reading my blog. Thats a lot more than my mom!!
