
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

General Conference

I've loved General Conference for a many number of years.
12 years ago, it was very important to me as I had made a drastic change in my life, had just gone to the temple 11 months before, turned in mission papers and was able to sing in the April 1997 Saturday afternoon session of conference. A couple of years ago, we were able to watch conference at the JSMB in SLC and feel the spirit there while we sustained a new prophet. This was awesome for me because I was now married and able to be there with someone who loves the prophet, the Lord and the gospel as much as I do and in his own special way.

This year, I have the awesome privilege to take Cherry, our Chinese exchange student to SLC for conference and enjoy the spirit with her there. We are staying with friends and will be hanging out with them all weekend long. I'm so excited for her and can't wait to share this weekend with her so that she can see why we go to church, why we do what we do and what we don't do as a family and individuals.

Of course, we'll do the entire Temple Square Experience and we'll take her to the mountains and go do a little bit of hiking. We'll be staying with a friend who lives right down in the heart of the the city.

I can't wait! I'm so excited. Pictures will follow as we take them and when I return. They probably won't be posted right away, but they will be eventually!

Make sure to watch conference.


1 comment:

desert mom said...

Have a safe trip. I know that Conference will be a great experience for Cherry. Look forward to the pictures.
My Love